Fingers crossed
It is a very good time for me to get some of my thoughts about this down on the page. I have applied to Oregon State Universities post-baccalaureate program in Computer Science. The degree that I have now is in Political Science and it has never done me a single good favor in my entire life. However, this program at Oregon State is predicated on holding a bachelors degree already, so if I am admitted then I would be able to say that has done something.
This program is very well liked from all that I have read about it, and it does seem to be the exact sort of thing that I need at this point in my life. A second chance to so something that I should have done the first time around.My application fulfilled all of the requirements, but there have been a number of people who have been turned down who have met the requirements.
The degree program is fully online, but it is the same upper 60 credits that the on campus students are taking, except that it can be done in anywhere from a year and a quarter to up to four years. This would give me just the chance that I need to get a proper programming job while I am still in school, and then finish the degree slowly while I spend time working in the field.
I will know in November or December whether this plan of mine will actually be open to me or not. I very much hope that it is, but if it is not, then that will not deter me. I have learned to much and I have come too far.