Applied to CS degree Program

Fingers crossed It is a very good time for me to get some of my thoughts about this down on the page. I have applied to Oregon State Universities post-baccalaureate program in Computer Science. The degree that I have now is in Political Science and it has never done me a single good favor in my entire life. However, this program at Oregon…


Work on my website continues

Keep pounding it out Well, the work on my website is continuing at a feverish pace. It is being built out in React, which needs no introduction at this point, I think. It is the current JavaScript hotness because it gives the user a litany of choices of others tools to mix with it, and it can mix with existing code really well.…


Beginning the real work on my Portfolio

Time to add color to the empty canvas So, I have bought my own name as a domain name and now it is time to put something there that actually resembles a portfolio website. This blog will also be a part of it and so I have added it as a sub-directory within the site. Now, adding the blog and buying the domain…


Hello world!

Hello to All! I would like to give myself a resounding welcome to the world of blogging. This is my first post and I will have many more incoming for your delight and entertainment. This post is just a brief welcome from me to no one, and with that, goodbye for now.